The role of Middle East in the New World Order
We are living in a situation of complete stalemate due to the stiffening of the positions of the two Eastern and Western blocks. United States, European Union, United Kingdom from one part and Russia from the other with China as a third Eastern part, are so firm in their positions that there are no glimmers for a concrete and definitive solution among the parties.
For once it is not a matter of religion but rather something much more venal. Nevertheless, we are in great difficulties to carry on our daily business everywhere and a large part of the world’s population is literally struggling to live.
With COVID first, the war in Ukraine after and the Chinese overwhelming policy have stopped any activity to develop a better world from the point of view of welfare and wellness.
Also Pope Francis is trying to push the parties for a solution but in vain.
The Middle Eastern nations, however, are poised to have a significant role in the New World Order that is being defined.
UAE and the new world order
UAE, in particular, is a crossroads of culture, capitals and interests. This gives them the chance to understand the needs, facilitate the negotiation and find the right solution to stop wars and give the world a new peaceful order.
UAE has the resources to take the chance to play the role of mediator and facilitator in this difficult situation between Eastern and Western countries, including the hard process of development in Africa.
Given that the UN is not able to undertake any action to resolve the existing conflicts, it is important to have a skilled and smart third Party that can lead the process to find a deal that satisfies everyone.
Leading negotiations
UAE could host summits and meetings among the parties in conflict giving them the chance to explain their needs in a place not to be identified as Western or Eastern but really neutral, supporting the reasons of the Middle East and Africa in every negotiation they will carry out.
They have excellent locations and all necessary resources to manage this kind of meetings, logistically safe and with all comforts for all distinguished guests but, overall they have also the economic power of a rich region with precious resources (oil) still necessary.
Why the Emirates do not take this opportunity?
Negotiation is something inherent in Middle East culture and could be used to design what the Western and Eastern countries have not been able to do because of their rigid positions, dictated more by old prejudices than by concrete needs.
This could be a good investment for the development of many countries that have been devastated for years by conflicts without any development solution for their populations, forced to migrate elsewhere, leaving behind many innocent victims.
Breaking the norm
It’s time to break the deadlock of tired East-West dialogue and this could be the real opportunity for all to find a satisfactory solution for all.